The Austrian Buddhist Union is financed solely through the generosity of its members and by people who are interested in Buddhism.
Thank you very much!
Why give to the Buddhist Union?
In Buddhism, giving as a practice is called "Dana". It is a very important aspect in the Buddhist practice to let go and to try to equalise. The act of giving can be combined with the natural joy of making gifts - for the sake of others. And it can be done in many ways: give someone a smile or a kind word, offer shelter to someone in distress, prepare a good meal, pass on a good book ...
As there is no tradition of voluntary donations for the membership in religious societies, voluntary contributions (Dana) remain an absolute necessity. Donations for the maintenance of Buddhism in Austria are part of Buddhist practice and should be retained.
For ÖBR members, payments to the ÖBR up to 400.00 Euro per year are tax deductible, being a contribution to a religious community that has been recognized by the state.
What is done with your donation?
In order to be able to fulfil the tasks of ÖBR like the representation of Buddhism in Austria, to offer service for members and interested people, to give information, etc., we ask for financial support. We are well aware of the responsibility we have with regards to the money you donate, and we place the highest value on the careful and efficient use of the means made available to us. A large part of our donation budget flows into the work and the provision for our office and public relations work. Our secretary is the only paid employee we have. Everybody else works on a voluntary basis. Our organisation works for more than 200 hours every week voluntarily. Our teachers for religious education are paid by the government.
In our ÖBR NEWSLETTER we regularly inform about our activities.
How can you support ÖBR?
If you would like to support the work of ÖBR financially:
IBAN Account: AT46 6000 0000 0131 7747
Account holder: Österreichische Buddhistische Religionsgesellschaft
Also donated goods - like Buddhist books - and voluntary help are very helpful for us and are very welcome.
For further questions and more information please contact our Office.